
Superintendent of Police congratulated the police officers for conducting peaceful elections

Crime review meeting was held in the auditorium of the Superintendent of Police office,Crime Meeting Superintendent of Police Jitendra Shukla gave instructions to continue small and preventive action in the effective code of conduct, resolved crimes pending before the end of the year, resolved complaints and advised to adopt a policy of zero tolerance in crimes against women and children.

A meeting of all gazetted police officers and police station/post in-charge was taken by Superintendent of Police Jitendra Shukla in the Superintendent of Police office. He said during the meeting that there should be fear of law in the district. Strictest action should be taken against people of hooligan and miscreant nature. At the same time, peace-loving people should be treated in a friendly manner. He told those in charge that the code of conduct is in effect and should continue to take minor and restrictive action.

In the meeting, as per the agenda, by analyzing the pending crimes, complaints, cases, minor and preventive proceedings of the police stations, the officers were given the target of resolving as many pending crimes and complaints as possible in the police stations in view of the end of the year.

The Superintendent of Police ordered all the police stations/posts to take the strictest action against drug addiction, illegal liquor and ganja and to pay attention to the cleanliness and maintenance of their respective police station/post premises.

Register diaries of the police station should be maintained, patrolling and night patrolling should be strictly followed, advice should be given to emphasize on the policy of zero tolerance by taking prompt and strict action in crimes related to women and children and received from the senior office. Complaints should be investigated and report should be sent immediately.

Police station in-charges were instructed to take timely action on complaints received in the police station, cyber tip line cases and online fraud cases. He also instructed to resolve 100% of the pending cases before the end of the year by running a campaign to resolve the pending complaints. All gazetted (police) officers, police station/post in-charge were present in the crime meeting.


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