
Voters are being made aware through human chain, rally, street play, wall writing and essay competition

Voter awareness rally organized by AYUSH department in PHC Kerakchhar

Korba  Under the direction of Collector and District Election Officer Mr. Saurabh Kumar and under the guidance of District Sweep Nodal and Chief Executive Officer District Panchayat Mr. Vishwadeep, human chain, rally, street play, wall writing and essay competition in urban and rural areas of the district. Like, voters are being made aware continuously by organizing various programs.

In this sequence, a voter awareness rally was organized by the AYUSH Department at the Primary Health Center Kerakchhar of Kartala Development Block. The officials of AYUSH Department encouraged the villagers to contribute in strengthening the democracy by explaining the importance of voting. Also everyone was resolved to make voting mandatory on the voting date.

Voters were made aware through Rangoli:-
Similarly, under the guidance of the Principal, Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Korba, a Rangoli competition was organized today by the sweep unit of the school for voter awareness. School girls participated enthusiastically in the competition and through attractive rangoli, voters were encouraged to vote 100 percent in the assembly elections 2023.

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